End results of a dubious policy, part 2

Some of the work is still ongoing, and some streets have yet to receive their notices, but here’s how things look so far, which I should mention is no fault of the residents who commissioned the work.

As stated before, if you have brick and/or slate, you get a pass. At one point, the Borough’s street sweepers thought that this section needed replacement. Apparently a call to George Locke, Borough Manager, rectified that for the lucky homeowner.

Don’t get me wrong: I love slate and brick sidewalks or any combination thereof, but when a little wink-wink just might save you $3000 or more, it shows that this process is not devoid of politics.

Again, despite the fact that the slate curb rises a good two-to-three inches above the walk it abuts, it calls into question the Borough’s stated commitment to pedestrian safety.

More “beautification.” This meets code.

This meets code, or if it doesn’t, the Borough will overlook it.

IMG_0546This one’s interesting. Part of the project involves building ADA-compliant crosswalk access. I know this one is hard to see, but Borough workers started to slope the concrete about five feet before the edge of the ramp, or about three feet before they sloped the curb. For at least three feet, the sidewalk will lie below the curb before the edge.

Residents may remember some of this work was done about six years ago at other intersections, and then redone a couple of months later.

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