It’s short and sweet, and barely scratches the surface of the real issues, but the region now has an inkling about what’s happening in our little Borough.
Walkable Jenkintown branches out
We’re happy to announce that Walkable Jenkintown is now a part of the Streetsblog network. The website, which reports on national and regional developments pertaining to walkability and sustainability may feature our posts from time to time. Thank you, Streetsblog! Also, Louise and I want to thank everyone who spoke to […]
August Council Meeting: What we learned
At last night’s council meeting, we attended with the plan to ask a few questions and then to observe. However, another resident who spoke after us brought up many additional concerns, which also received plenty of sympathy but no relief. Seeing an ally, we followed him out the door after he aired […]
Meet us in the Square
Look for Louise and me at tonight’s Concert on the Square. Between sets, we hope to meet with neighbors to hear their experiences with the borough’s sidewalk policies. See you tonight!
How do we pay for this? A few suggestions…
I would hazard a guess that if you polled all twelve of Jenkintown’s volunteer councilors about finding a better way to pay for sidewalk and curb repair, to a person, they’d likely respond, “but how do we do this without raising taxes?” Indeed, Councilor Laurie Durkin said just that via email, following […]
They know how to email, at least
This past two weeks have brought up some interesting developments. First, after ten days, I finally received a reply from George Locke, Jenkintown Borough Manager to the questions I emailed him. Mainly, I asked Mr. Locke about what I can expect to happen if I cannot afford to effect the […]
Council Meeting August 24: Please Attend
If you are unhappy about the borough of Jenkintown’s sidewalk maintenance policy, then I ask you to please attend this month’s borough council meeting on August 24. If you believe, as I do, that the current policy is unsustainable, inefficient, unsightly, and open to political abuse, please come and express […]
Easement or Appeasement?
At Monday’s Borough Council meeting, the board respectfully listened to me read my statement, and at the end of it, I received a great deal of sympathy, but as I expected, I received no relief. I’d be a fool to think otherwise. Unfortunately, I also received some interesting misinformation. I don’t believe […]
Is Jenkintown Borough Stonewalling?
I have made a concerted effort to maintain my sense of civility in addressing my sidewalk issues with Jenkintown Borough, my councilors, and our borough manager. Unfortunately, they have a nasty habit of ignoring my inquiries. Emails went out last Wednesday. I’ve yet to receive any replies. Correction: One councilor […]
Statement to the Jenkintown Borough Council Regarding Sidewalks
This is the transcript of the statement I read to the Borough Council this evening. My name is Randy Garbin, and I’m here with my wife Louise Garbin. I’m here to talk about the sidewalks. Yes, I have been notified three times about the work that needs to be done […]
Borough Council Meeting Tonight
Jenkintown Borough Council is scheduled to meet tonight. I plan on attending and reading a prepared statement about our sidewalks. I would encourage you to attend, especially if you sympathetic to this cause. I will post this statement later this evening, after the completion of the meeting.
We have been served
Dear Mr. Locke, Regarding your letter dated July 10, 2015 notifying us of our violation of Jenkintown ordinance that requires us to pay for the maintenance and repair of property that we do not own, I would again refer you to a letter that I sent you on May 4 […]
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