Jenkintown Borough Council Meeting October 23, 2017

We skipped more than a few meetings thanks to summer activities, but we’re back with the last Council meeting before the election. (Vote for Peggy).

No real drama here, except yet another resident comes to complain about the Borough’s lack of code enforcement. Rather than tell George Locke to do something immediately, Borough Council President Pancoe resorted to her typical wishy-washy stance to ask George to maybe look further into this. “We’ll be monitoring,” she assured the less-than-convinced resident, who first reported this problem six months ago.

Also, the wife of J.C. Glass at 301 Runnymede apparently fulfilled her duties to Jenkintown’s Democratic Machine by engaging in what can only be described as pre-election shenanigans. In a bumbling attempt to paint mayoral candidate Peggy Downs in a bad light, she came to read (yet another) letter of complaint about activities at the Downs’ residence. Apparently, there should be a law against mowing your lawn twice a week. This thinly veiled attempt at dirty politics orchestrated by Rick Bunker et. al. would be laughable if it weren’t so pathetic and out of character of our town.

The rest of the meeting is pretty much standard stuff, although we do learn that a new restaurant will be occupying the old Family Cafe space and that Neshaminy plans a spring beer fest next year. We also learned that George Locke attended Borough Manager school and apparently passed. We wonder how much that cost and what it will ultimately get us. A manager that walks around our walkable community a little bit? Doubt it.

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