
Paying for steak, getting McNuggets

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According to George Locke, Jenkintown residents pay double what it would cost the borough to repair our sidewalks and curbs on a wholesale basis. Despite the hardship to our family, we have applied for our permit to repair our sidewalk. The borough marked off four blocks, but we will do six in […]

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Bunker’s Mentality on Better Sidewalks

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I attended the Council’s Administration and Finance Committee hearing meeting last Monday to discuss the budget, PennDOT’s Multi-Modal Fund, and to present this blog’s $25 Sidewalk proposal. First, the committee’s explanation as to why the projected 2014 $2.2 million budget carryover didn’t necessarily constitute a “surplus” did not clarify things much. As […]

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13th heaviest property tax burden and no trash pickup (or sidewalks)

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This is the average amount of residential property tax actually paid, expressed as a percentage of home value. Some states with high property taxes, like New Hampshire and Texas, rely heavily on property taxes in lieu of other major tax categories; others, like New Jersey and Illinois, impose high property […]

This Meets Code

Results of Jenkintown’s Beautification, Part 4

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Yesterday, I toured Greenwood Avenue, where a good part of the curbings appear to be made of granite, not slate. This interests me only because my hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts typically used granite curbs, which typically hold up better against the elements and snow plows. My mom’s neighborhood, built in 1971, […]


How do we pay for this? A few suggestions…

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I would hazard a guess that if you polled all twelve of Jenkintown’s volunteer councilors about finding a better way to pay for sidewalk and curb repair, to a person, they’d likely respond, “but how do we do this without raising taxes?” Indeed, Councilor Laurie Durkin said just that via email, following […]

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Council Meeting August 24: Please Attend

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If you are unhappy about the borough of Jenkintown’s sidewalk maintenance policy, then I ask you to please attend this month’s borough council meeting on August 24. If you believe, as I do, that the current policy is unsustainable, inefficient, unsightly, and open to political abuse, please come and express […]