Old York Road in Jenkintown 2035

On October 29, Montgomery County will hold the Jenkintown 2035 Workshop that calls for us “to join the conversation with fellow residents, businesses, and lovers of Jenkintown to help shape the future of the Borough.” They call this “visioning”.

Officials stage these workshops because they apply a veneer of public input on the planning process. Historically they arose as a response to the bad old days of Robert Moses and the urban destruction wrought by our Interstate Highway System and other government backed follies. Sadly, these are mostly feel-good exercises that don’t accomplish much, mostly because the people who have a direct stake in the actual process don’t attend these things and do not have to abide by their results.

At these forums we find well-meaning, painfully patient government officials and planning consultants dutifully recording any and every suggestion that comes from the audience. Someone will want more elm trees. Another will suggest banners on the light posts. Someone will ask, “How about a dog park?” and another will call for someone to open a hardware store.

Eye-rolling ideas aside, real solutions to problems of walkability and sustainable development require, among other things, changes to official policy that recognize the real assets of our traditionally planned community. When developers build anti-pedestrian, cookie-cutter sprawl, they do so because of their own formulaic business planning, and because the town’s playbook tells them to. All that recent construction around Noble Station might have produced a charming transit village if Abington had enacted pedestrian-first design standards and incentives and cared less about traffic flow.

I’ve attended quite a few of these forums, so I also expect to see a very vocal contingent calling for more parking. I hope not, because more parking by itself never revived any downtown. The most vibrant, walkable  commercial districts in our area not coincidentally have a severe shortage parking spaces. Unfortunately, because Jenkintown’s parking program is in serious deficit, the Borough will want more of it.

However, for those who insist upon putting parking on the top of their agenda, I have a solution that will not involve the demolition of a single  building or the taking of another square inch of private property. This solution will also serve as the single most effective catalyst for fully reviving Jenkintown’s commercial district.

Restore Old York Road as a two lane highway with parking spaces on both sides. 

Of course, I’ve heard all the excuses why this will never happen. Local lore tells it that sometime back in the Stone Age, Jenkintown made a devil’s bargain with PennDOT and sold off those spaces, probably to cover the bill for some municipal folly. PennDOT will never give them back. Never. Ever.

In the 1990s, I lived in Worcester, Massachusetts, a struggling mill town that endured the whole urban renewal debacle of the 1960s. That era left it with a dying downtown and a huge block-busting mall and office complex that bisected the primary access from all points east. Inevitably, the mall failed. Twice.

At the time, I would say to anyone fretting about the state of downtown Worcester, that it will never come back until someone tears down that mall.

“Never going to happen,” I heard more than a few times.

Then in 2004, a developer came along, crunched the numbers, and figured that he could make more money by restoring the streetscape by tearing down most of the structure. Eleven years later, the mall is gone, and the streetscape is restored.

The Old York Road problem is a political problem above all else. And political problems get solved when the right people meet in the right room at the right time. Is there anyone at Borough hall calling for this meeting?

Most people I speak to object to this idea because of the impact they think it would have on the region’s traffic. I would point out that many of those cars come through Jenkintown because they can, not because they must. I suspect that some north-south traffic might flow onto Easton Road, Highland Avenue, or onto the Turnpike and down 309. Let PennDOT and those communities figure it out.

There are many places we can’t get to in a straight line around here. I do not see why our town has to suffer for the sake of some other suburbanite’s convenience. Perhaps this will also encourage more people to ride the train.

Taking back Old York Road would not only provide all the parking spaces that everyone seems to want, it would also have the benefit of improving pedestrian safety, which must happen to make Jenkintown’s actual downtown a vibrant commercial district again. Right now, the pedestrian experience along York Road feels like a walk along the breakdown lane on the Turnpike. No amount of tree planting will change that.

I look forward to attending the workshop, but I ask people to please do a little research on these topics before they go. Maybe start by visiting the Congress for New Urbanism website.

Remember this: More parking made through demolition and eminent domain never revived any traditional downtown anywhere. Let’s at least learn from that lesson.

8 thoughts on “Old York Road in Jenkintown 2035

  1. Yes, everything built around Noble Station in the past 50 years has been one avoidable failure over another, it is one of the largest missed TOD opportunities in the region and ridership suffers for it.
    The thing about Old York Rd is that for most of its length it carries significantly above the 20,000 AADT threshold normally used for downsizing a 4-lane road. This is probably due to Easton and Highland already being 2-lane roads, and that Old York is a major funnel for both Jenkintown and Noble stations, so it tacks on to an already hard argument to make. South of Washington Ln however, the AADT drops significantly, so starting the initiative there and north through downtown might be best. However, traffic levels won’t be truly mitigated until SEPTA starts increasing Warminster and West Trenton all-day frequencies.

    1. If I’m not mistaken SEPTA was planning on enhancing parking at Noble Station and providing more frequent service on the West Trenton Line to Noble to get around the Jenkintown Parking Garage issue.

      Also, the 3-lane concept could work for Old York Road in Jenkintown, with a
      middle turning lane, rather than just adding a host of blind spots and
      conflict points caused by Street Parking. This way, traffic could still
      flow without being jammed by those turning left (which happens today with the 4 lanes), and those who are crossing the street could use the middle lane as a “refuge” area when crossing the street.

      The lanes could remain narrow so that the sidewalk could be expanded while the travel speeds can remain low, because in downtown Jenkintown, the sidewalks are rather narrow as the buildings are so close to the roadway. Or we could implement a bike lane. Public Transit via the 55 and Regional Rail, along with Uber and Lyft, is decent enough to where people shouldn’t have to rely on driving and parking in Jenkintown, especially when the residents can walk almost anywhere in town.

      1. From a pedestrian perspective, I prefer the on-street parking because it creates a buffer between the sidewalk and the traffic. Again, for me, my number one concern is what works best for the pedestrian. Caring about traffic is what got us into this mess in the first place. If there are compromises to be made, so be it, but I go into the meeting putting pedestrians first.

        1. To be honest my comment was from a pedestrian perspective as well as a car driver’s perspective. I feel like the on-street parking creates a host of blind spots (especially with vans and delivery trucks) for pedestrians crossing in the middle of the block. Then when they do cross, having to wait in the middle of the street with no place except for the dual yellow lines to stand as buses, trucks, and cars whiz past us is less than fun too.

          I guess the one lane each way concept can be tested when the bridge over the West Trenton Line tracks is replaced soon. If the solution ends up being one lane in each direction with street parking, there must be room for those making left turns at the major intersections.

          In the near term I would like to see marked crosswalks at Hillside Ave and Summit Ave, complete with signage stating that pedestrians cross there.

          1. I have seen the two-lane concept tested already. A couple of years ago, PennDOT (or someone) was already digging up OYR, reducing traffic in the center of town to a crawl. As a pedestrian, it was absolutely heaven. I worked on the other side of the road from Fillabagel, and crossing the street (yes, I was jaywalking) was an absolute breeze!

        2. On-street parking isn’t that necessary for commercial corridors as opposed to residential ones. There are other ways of making barriers, such as protected bike lanes with bollards or concrete strips.

          1. Bike lanes are fine as long as there are lots of bikes using them. When they aren’t, cars are just as likely to drift into those lanes, which limits their buffering effect. With no one enforcing the speed limit, how likely is it that the police will enforce that? Concrete strips and bollards will be destroyed by traffic, and they don’t do much to enhance the charm of the commercial district.

            Don’t forget that the other big purpose of the parking spaces is parking. Unless a developer comes along and proposes a major parking structure, there will be pressure upon the Borough to create more spaces somewhere else. That’s all anyone seems to talk about when they discuss the future of downtown. Already the lot they created at Greenwood and Leedom has already cost the Borough too much and will continue to cost us more than $250,000 per year for years to come.

            A parking structure will be fine, but it won’t reestablish Old York as an enjoyably walkable part of the district. Already there are too many businesses that do not put their front entrances on Old York.

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