JOSS Realty retunes Pitcairn property for the post-COVID era. Jenkintown Borough released its agenda for next week’s meeting yesterday, and one item stands out. Council will vote to send borough solicitor and Kilkenny lapdog Patrick Hitchens to represent Jenkintown as Cheltenham Town Council discusses the latest plans for the Pitcairn property. Page 49 of the 49-page agenda PDF document is a notice from the neighboring township, which states: APPEAL NO. […]
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Is SEPTA leaving the station?
SEPTA’s proposed ADA-compliant platforms diminishes the future of the train station The last time that SEPTA announced a major development at the Jenkintown-Wyncote station back in 2009, it raised quite the outcry in the neighborhood. At the time, SEPTA proposed building a new garage for the area, and mostly Cheltenham residents mobilized to stop the project in its tracks. I attended one hearing agnostic on the matter, and that night […]