Latest News

Runnymede storm drain fixes break sidewalk and curb work

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Last week, Jenkintown Public Works under the supervision of George Locke made an attempt to address an ongoing water drainage issue on Runnymede Avenue. According to the Borough, it seems that a spring somewhere between Hillside Avenue and the 200 block of Rodman gets expecially overactive after snowmelts and rainstorms […]

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More news coverage coming to Jenkintown

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Walkable Jenkintown first appeared on the internet in April, 2015, a week after Louise and I received notice that we had to fix the Borough’s sidewalk. I can still provide a litany of reasons why no aspect of this policy makes any sense, but exploring this problem got me far […]

Council Notes / Latest News

Rick Bunker’s Business seeks bankruptcy protection

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Rick Bunker, the chairman of Jenkintown Borough Council’s finance committee is also an owner and the CEO of a company currently in Chapter 11 bankruptcy. On November 12, 2018, Prescription Advisory Systems & Technology, Inc filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection to head off a lawsuit by a creditor. According […]

Latest News

Jenkintown Borough Budget review: Transparency takes another hit

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Five percent increase still leaves Jenkintown with a $400,000 deficit Last month, Jenkintown Borough Council voted to raise our taxes by five percent, exceeding the rate of inflation by sixty-two percent. Council Vice President and Social Media Bully Rick Bunker dismissed any concern by reminding Jenkintonians that our government spared […]

Latest News

Jenkintown Public Works committee plunges into sewer issue

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Jenkintown Borough rarely sends out emails about its committee meetings. This month’s public works committee meeting was the exception, because of a particular challenge facing our town — where to send what we flush down our toilets. Currently, Jenkintown sends all of its sewage through Cheltenham which then sends most […]

Latest News

A Jenkintown Christmas letter

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Wondering what’s going on in Jenkintown? Glad you asked. Thanks to six seasons of “The Goldbergs”, Bradley Cooper, and a glowing piece on the National Geographic website, Jenkintown often finds itself in the national spotlight. On paper, it sure looks like the type of town fit for a George Bailey […]

Latest News

Jenkintown and its leadership hit with civil rights lawsuit

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Dave and Peggy Downs have served the Borough of Jenkintown and its four de facto leaders with a Federal civil rights lawsuit. The suit filed in Pennsylvania’s Eastern District Court, names the borough along with Council President Deborra Sines-Pancoe, Council Vice-President Rick Bunker, Borough Manager George Locke, and Borough Solicitor […]

Latest News

Jenkintown 2035: Not thinking big enough

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Jenkintown adopts a long-range plan that tip-toes around issues it needs to address head on. Last week, after five years of discussion, Jenkintown Borough Council formally adopted the Jenkintown 2035 plan. After a half a decade of notes, presentations, debates, and fact finding, the fact that no one involved with […]

Latest News

Cedar Street Redux?

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Council President Deborra Sines-Pancoe motion to exercise an option to purchase of the Church of Our Savior almost slipped right under our noses last June 20 at the special Council meeting. If Borough Solicitor Patrick Hitchens hadn’t corrected the wording of her motion, we might never have known of the […]

Latest News

Jenkintown Council Lauds George Locke

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At the Jenkintown Borough Council Meeting for June 2018, council President Deborra Sines-Pancoe lauded Borough Manager George Locke for his service to the Borough. In light of that, we present a selection of ongoing code violations and generally sloppy work that Mr. Locke has either failed to address or is […]

Latest News

Willow Grove steps ahead of Jenkintown

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If you’ve driven through Willow Grove lately, you might have noticed some major construction going on. Turns out, the district is about to make a major about-face on suburban sprawl and welcome walkability. The area that has served as the poster child for soul-crushing auto-based development for the past 40 […]

Latest News

Downs V. Jenkintown PA, Round Two

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It has not been a quiet week in Jenkintown. Last Wednesday, like it or not, Peggy and Dave Downs had yet another day in court fighting a citation for running a business that does not exist. Never has. The Borough’s original citation claimed that the Downses were operating an unspecified […]